How much does it cost to put in a Goodman AC unit?

How much does it cost to put in a Goodman AC unit?

If you’re considering getting a Goodman AC unit, you may be wondering about the cost. Installing a new AC unit is an investment that can improve your home’s comfort and energy efficiency. But how much does it actually cost to put in a Goodman AC unit?

The cost of installing a Goodman AC unit can vary depending on several factors, including the size of the unit, the complexity of the installation, and any additional features or upgrades you choose. In general, the cost of a Goodman AC unit installation can range from $3,000 to $7,000.

It’s important to note that this cost typically includes the price of the AC unit itself, as well as the labor and materials needed for installation. Additionally, the cost may also include any necessary permits and inspections required by your local building codes.

When calculating the cost of installing a Goodman AC unit, it’s also important to consider any additional services you may need. For example, if you’re replacing an old AC unit, there may be an additional cost to remove and dispose of the old unit. Similarly, if your home doesn’t already have the necessary ductwork in place, you may need to factor in the cost of installing new ducts.

In addition to the cost of installation, you may also want to consider the long-term savings that can come with a new Goodman AC unit. These units are known for their energy efficiency, which can help reduce your monthly energy bills. Over time, these savings can help offset the initial cost of installation.

Tip: When it comes to installing a Goodman AC unit, it’s always best to consult with a professional HVAC contractor. They can assess your home’s specific needs and provide you with an accurate cost estimate.

So, if you’re ready to put in a new AC unit and are considering Goodman, be sure to factor in the cost of installation. By doing your research and consulting with a professional, you can make an informed decision that’s best for your home and budget.

Benefits of Installing a Goodman AC Unit

Installing a Goodman AC unit in your home comes with several advantages:

  • Improved Cooling: A Goodman AC unit effectively cools your home, making it comfortable even during hot summer days.
  • Energy Efficiency: Goodman AC units are designed to be energy-efficient, helping you save on your utility bills.
  • Quiet Operation: Goodman AC units operate quietly, ensuring a peaceful and undisturbed environment in your home.
  • Reliability: Goodman is a trusted brand known for producing high-quality and durable AC units that you can rely on to keep your home cool.
  • Long Lifespan: With proper maintenance and care, a Goodman AC unit can last for many years, providing you with lasting comfort.
  • Easy Installation: Installing a Goodman AC unit is a straightforward process that can be done by a professional technician.

When you put in a Goodman AC unit, you can enjoy all these benefits and more, making it a wise investment for your home.

Factors That Affect the Cost of Installing a Goodman AC Unit

When considering the cost of installing a Goodman AC unit, several factors come into play. These factors can impact the overall cost and should be taken into account before making a decision.

1. Unit Size: The size of the AC unit you choose will affect the cost of installation. Larger units typically require more labor and materials, leading to a higher overall cost.

2. Location: The location of your property can also impact the cost. If the installation requires additional equipment or modifications due to difficult access or specific site requirements, it can increase the overall cost.

3. Ductwork: The condition and layout of your existing ductwork can affect the cost of installation. If modifications or repairs are needed to ensure proper airflow and efficiency, it can add to the overall cost.

4. Installation Complexity: If your property needs a complex installation due to factors such as multiple floors, tight spaces, or intricate wiring, it can increase the cost of installation.

5. Additional Components: The cost may also be affected by any additional components or accessories you choose to include with your Goodman AC unit. Examples include programmable thermostats, air purifiers, or zoning systems.

6. Contractor: The contractor you choose for the installation can also impact the cost. Different contractors may have varying pricing structures or levels of expertise, which can result in different installation costs.

Overall, the cost of installing a Goodman AC unit can vary depending on these factors. It is important to consider all these factors and consult with a reputable HVAC professional to determine the most accurate cost estimate for your specific installation needs.

Average Installation Cost of a Goodman AC Unit

When it comes to installing an AC unit, cost is a major consideration. If you’re considering getting a Goodman AC unit, you may be wondering how much the installation will set you back. In this pricing guide, we will break down the average cost of putting in a Goodman AC unit.

The cost of installing a Goodman AC unit can vary depending on several factors. These factors include the size of the unit, the complexity of the installation, and any additional features or accessories you may choose to include. On average, the installation cost for a Goodman AC unit ranges from $2,500 to $7,500.

It’s important to note that this is just an average cost and can vary based on your specific situation. Factors such as the location of your home, the availability of qualified installers, and any necessary modifications to your existing HVAC system can all affect the final cost.

When budgeting for your Goodman AC unit installation, it’s also important to consider any additional costs. These may include permits, electrical work, duct modifications, and the removal of any old units. It’s best to consult with a professional HVAC installer to get an accurate estimate of the total cost.

Average Installation Cost Range
Size of Unit $2,000 – $5,000
Complexity of Installation $500 – $1,500
Additional Features/Accessories $500 – $1,000
Total Average Cost $2,500 – $7,500

In conclusion, the average installation cost of a Goodman AC unit typically ranges from $2,500 to $7,500. Keep in mind that this is just an estimate and the actual cost may vary. It’s best to consult with a professional HVAC installer to get an accurate quote based on your specific needs and circumstances.

Pricing Factors for a Goodman AC Unit

When considering the cost of installing a Goodman AC unit, there are several factors that can affect the price. Understanding these factors can help you budget and plan for the installation process.

Size of the Unit The size of the AC unit you choose will have a significant impact on the overall cost. Larger units typically cost more because they require more materials and labor to install.
Efficiency Rating AC units with higher efficiency ratings tend to be more expensive upfront but can save you money in the long run on energy costs. The higher the rating, the more energy-efficient the unit is.
Type of Installation The type of installation you need can also affect the cost. If you are replacing an existing unit, the installation process may be simpler and less expensive compared to a new installation that requires additional ductwork or electrical work.
Location The location of your home or business can impact the cost of installation. If accessing the installation area is difficult or requires special equipment, it may increase the price.
Additional Features Some AC units come with additional features such as smart thermostats or air purifiers. These features can increase the cost of the unit but may offer added convenience or improved air quality.

Considering these factors will give you a better understanding of how much you can expect to pay for the installation of a Goodman AC unit. It’s important to consult with a professional HVAC technician to get an accurate quote tailored to your specific needs.

Cost Breakdown of Installing a Goodman AC Unit

When considering the installation of a Goodman AC unit, it is important to understand the cost breakdown. Here, we will provide a detailed breakdown of the expenses involved in the installation process.

Goodman AC Unit In order to install a Goodman AC unit, you will first need to purchase the unit itself. The cost of a Goodman AC unit can vary depending on the specific model and capacity, but on average, you can expect to spend between $2,000 and $5,000.
Installation Labor The cost of labor for installing a Goodman AC unit will depend on factors such as the complexity of the installation, the location, and the contractor’s rates. On average, installation labor can range from $1,500 to $3,000.
Ductwork Modifications In some cases, ductwork modifications may be required to properly install a Goodman AC unit. This can include adding or adjusting ducts, sealing leaks, or upgrading existing ductwork. The cost of ductwork modifications can vary widely depending on the extent of the work needed, but it is typically in the range of $500 to $1,500.
Electrical Work Installing a Goodman AC unit will typically require electrical work, such as wiring the unit to the electrical panel and ensuring proper voltage and amperage. The cost of electrical work can vary depending on the complexity of the installation and the rates of the electrician, but you can expect to spend around $500 to $1,000.
Permits and Inspections Before installing a Goodman AC unit, you may need to obtain permits and undergo inspections to ensure compliance with local building codes. The cost of permits and inspections can vary depending on your location, but it is typically in the range of $100 to $300.
Total Cost When adding up all of these expenses, the total cost of installing a Goodman AC unit will range from $4,600 to $11,800, depending on factors such as the size of the unit, the complexity of the installation, and the specific requirements of your location.

It is worth noting that these are just estimates, and the actual cost of installing a Goodman AC unit can vary. It is recommended to obtain quotes from multiple contractors to get a better understanding of the specific costs involved for your unique situation.

Additional Costs to Consider for Installing a Goodman AC Unit

When it comes to installing a Goodman AC unit, there are several additional costs that you should take into consideration. While the main cost is typically for the AC unit itself, there are other expenses that you may encounter during the installation process.

Permits: Depending on where you live, you may need to obtain permits for the installation of your Goodman AC unit. Permit costs can vary greatly depending on your location.

Ductwork Modifications: In some cases, your existing ductwork may need to be modified or updated to accommodate the new Goodman AC unit. This can incur additional costs.

Electrical Work: Installation of a new AC unit may require electrical work, such as wiring or circuit breaker upgrades. The cost of this work will depend on your specific electrical setup.

Disposal of Old Unit: If you are replacing an existing AC unit, you will need to consider the cost of disposing of the old unit properly. This may require hiring a professional and can add to the overall installation cost.

Insulation: Proper insulation is crucial for the efficient operation of your AC unit. If your home’s insulation is inadequate, you may need to invest in additional insulation, which will incur extra costs.

Condenser Pad or Stand: A stable foundation for your Goodman AC unit is essential. Depending on your installation location, you may need to purchase a condenser pad or stand separately.

Taxes and Fees: Remember to factor in any applicable taxes and fees when calculating the overall cost of installing a Goodman AC unit. These additional expenses can vary depending on your location.

Additional Costs
Estimated Cost Range
Permits Inquire with local authorities
Ductwork Modifications $500 – $2,000
Electrical Work $200 – $1,500
Disposal of Old Unit $50 – $200
Insulation $500 – $2,500
Condenser Pad or Stand $50 – $300
Taxes and Fees Varies based on location

Keep in mind that these estimates are just a general guideline, and the actual costs can vary depending on your specific circumstances. It’s always a good idea to consult with a professional HVAC installer to get an accurate quote and to ensure that all the necessary factors are considered when budgeting for your Goodman AC unit installation.

Tips for Saving Money on Installing a Goodman AC Unit

When it comes to installing a Goodman AC unit, there are several ways you can save money without compromising on quality. Here are some tips to help you get the best deal:

1. Do your research

Before making any decisions, take the time to research different models and compare prices from various suppliers. This will give you a better understanding of the cost range for installing a Goodman AC unit.

2. Get multiple quotes

Don’t settle for the first quote you receive. Reach out to multiple HVAC companies and ask for detailed quotes that include the cost of the AC unit, installation fees, and any additional charges. This will allow you to compare prices and negotiate a better deal.

3. Consider DIY installation

If you have experience in HVAC installation and feel confident in your abilities, you may be able to save money by installing the Goodman AC unit yourself. However, keep in mind that improper installation can void the warranty and lead to costly repairs in the future.

4. Take advantage of promotions and discounts

Keep an eye out for promotions and discounts offered by HVAC suppliers and manufacturers. These can include reduced prices on AC units, financing options, or installation rebates. Take advantage of these deals to lower your overall cost.

5. Opt for energy-efficient models

Investing in an energy-efficient Goodman AC unit may have a higher upfront cost, but it can save you money in the long run. Energy-efficient units consume less electricity, resulting in lower utility bills and reduced environmental impact.

6. Bundle your installation with other services

If you require additional HVAC services, such as ductwork installation or maintenance, consider bundling them with your Goodman AC unit installation. Many HVAC companies offer discounts for bundled services, allowing you to save money on your overall project.

By following these tips, you can put yourself in a better position to save money on installing a Goodman AC unit without compromising on quality or performance.

Comparing Prices from Different HVAC Contractors

Once you have decided to install a Goodman AC unit, the next step is to find the right HVAC contractor for the job. While pricing is an important factor in your decision-making process, it’s crucial to consider other factors such as experience, reputation, and customer reviews.

When comparing prices from different HVAC contractors, it’s essential to inquire about the total cost of installation. This cost will vary depending on various factors, including the size of the unit, the complexity of the installation, and any additional accessories or upgrades you may want to add.

To get an accurate estimate, make sure to provide each contractor with the same information regarding your requirements and the existing infrastructure. This way, you can ensure a fair comparison between different quotes.

Another important aspect to consider is the quality of the installation. A poorly installed unit can lead to inefficiencies and reduce the overall lifespan of the system. Therefore, it’s crucial to choose a contractor who is experienced and knowledgeable in installing Goodman AC units.

While it’s tempting to choose the contractor with the lowest price, remember that quality and expertise should not be compromised. Investing a little more initially can save you money in the long run by ensuring a reliable and efficient cooling system.

Before making your final decision, take the time to research each contractor thoroughly. Read customer reviews, check their credentials and certifications, and ask for references if needed. The right HVAC contractor will not only provide a competitive price but also deliver high-quality workmanship that meets your expectations.

By comparing prices from different HVAC contractors, you can find the right balance between cost and quality, ultimately ensuring a smooth and hassle-free installation process for your Goodman AC unit.

Financing Options for Installing a Goodman AC Unit

If you’re wondering how to finance the installation of a Goodman AC unit, you’re in luck! Goodman offers several options that can help put a new AC unit within your reach.

Firstly, Goodman offers in-house financing, meaning you can purchase and install your new AC unit directly from them and make monthly payments over time. This option allows you to spread out the cost of the unit and installation, making it more affordable for your budget.

In addition to in-house financing, Goodman also partners with various financial institutions to offer competitive financing options. These options typically include low or no-interest promotional periods, allowing you to pay off the AC unit in full before interest accrues.

If you prefer to explore third-party financing options, Goodman has partnered with reputable lenders who specialize in home improvement loans. These lenders offer flexible repayment terms and competitive interest rates, ensuring that you can find a financing option that suits your needs.

Goodman understands that the cost of installing a new AC unit can be a significant investment. That’s why they strive to provide a range of financing options, making it easier for you to enjoy the benefits of a Goodman AC unit without breaking the bank.

So, if you’re wondering how much it does cost to install a Goodman AC unit, rest assured that there are financing options available to help you make it happen. Whether you choose in-house financing or explore third-party options, Goodman is dedicated to ensuring that you can enjoy a cool and comfortable living space without the financial stress.

Don’t let the upfront cost deter you from investing in a Goodman AC unit. Take advantage of the financing options available and start enjoying the cool comfort that only a Goodman AC unit can provide.

DIY vs Professional Installation of a Goodman AC Unit

When it comes to installing a Goodman AC unit, you have two options: DIY or professional installation. Both choices have their pros and cons, so it’s important to consider your skill level and budget before making a decision.

If you have experience in HVAC installation and feel confident in your abilities, DIY installation may be a cost-effective option for you. You can save money by putting in the AC unit on your own, and there are plenty of online resources and tutorials to guide you through the process. However, keep in mind that proper installation is crucial for the unit’s performance and longevity. If you make mistakes during the installation, it could end up costing you more in the long run.

On the other hand, professional installation guarantees that the unit will be installed correctly and efficiently. HVAC professionals have the knowledge and experience to handle the installation process smoothly. They know how to properly calculate the size of the unit needed for your space, ensure all connections are secure, and troubleshoot any issues that may arise. While professional installation may cost more upfront, it can provide peace of mind knowing that the unit is installed correctly.

Ultimately, the decision between DIY and professional installation depends on your comfort level and budget. If you have the necessary skills and experience, DIY installation can save you money. However, if you want to ensure a hassle-free and reliable installation, it’s worth considering professional installation for your Goodman AC unit.

Signs That Your Goodman AC Unit Needs Replacement

If you own a Goodman AC unit, it’s important to keep an eye out for signs that indicate it may be time for a replacement. Ignoring these signs can lead to costly repairs and inefficient cooling in your home or office.

  1. Age: Consider the age of your Goodman AC unit. Most units have a lifespan of around 10-15 years. If your unit is reaching or exceeding this age range, it’s a good idea to start considering a replacement.
  2. Frequent breakdowns: If you find that your Goodman AC unit is constantly breaking down and requiring repairs, it may be more cost-effective in the long run to invest in a new unit.
  3. Increasing energy bills: Are your energy bills steadily increasing? This could be a sign that your AC unit is no longer operating at peak efficiency and is consuming more energy to cool your space.
  4. Inconsistent cooling: If you notice that some areas of your home or office are consistently cool while others remain warm, it could be a sign that your Goodman AC unit is struggling to evenly distribute cool air.
  5. Loud or strange noises: Unusual noises coming from your AC unit, such as grinding, hissing, or banging, should not be ignored. These noises could indicate a major problem that requires a replacement.
  6. Persistent odors: If unpleasant odors are coming from your AC vents, it could be a sign of mold or mildew growth inside your unit. This can negatively impact your indoor air quality and may require a replacement.
  7. Refrigerant leaks: If you notice any signs of refrigerant leaks, such as ice formation on the coils or a decrease in cooling performance, it’s essential to address the issue promptly. A refrigerant leak can lead to serious damage to your AC unit and may necessitate a replacement.

Keeping an eye out for these signs and addressing them promptly can help you avoid uncomfortable living conditions and unnecessary expenses. If you identify any of these signs in your Goodman AC unit, consulting with a professional HVAC technician will help you determine the best course of action and whether a replacement is necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions About Installing a Goodman AC Unit

Here are some common questions about installing a Goodman AC unit:

  • How much does it cost to install a Goodman AC unit?
  • What factors affect the cost of installing a Goodman AC unit?
  • Can I install a Goodman AC unit myself or do I need to hire a professional?
  • How long does it typically take to install a Goodman AC unit?
  • Are there any additional expenses I should consider when installing a Goodman AC unit?
  • Do I need to have any special equipment or tools to install a Goodman AC unit?
  • Are there any specific requirements for the location of a Goodman AC unit?
  • What is the warranty on a Goodman AC unit and what does it cover?
  • Can I finance the cost of installing a Goodman AC unit?
  • Are there any rebates or incentives available for installing a Goodman AC unit?

If you have any additional questions about installing a Goodman AC unit, please feel free to contact us. Our team of experts is ready to assist you!


How much does it cost to install a Goodman AC unit?

The cost of installing a Goodman AC unit can vary depending on several factors, such as the size of the unit, the complexity of the installation, and the location of your home. On average, the cost can range from $2,500 to $7,500.

What factors can affect the cost of installing a Goodman AC unit?

There are several factors that can affect the cost of installing a Goodman AC unit. Some of these factors include the size of the unit, the complexity of the installation, the location of your home, and any additional features or upgrades you choose.

Is it cheaper to install a Goodman AC unit myself?

While some people may attempt to install a Goodman AC unit themselves to save money, it is generally not recommended. Installing an AC unit requires specialized knowledge and skills to ensure it is done correctly and safely. It is best to hire a professional HVAC installer to ensure the job is done right.

Do I need any additional equipment for the installation of a Goodman AC unit?

The installation of a Goodman AC unit typically requires additional equipment such as refrigerant, ductwork, electrical wiring, and a thermostat. These additional materials and equipment may increase the overall cost of the installation.

Are there any ongoing maintenance costs for a Goodman AC unit?

Yes, there are ongoing maintenance costs associated with owning a Goodman AC unit. Regular maintenance, such as cleaning the filters and coils, checking for leaks, and servicing the unit, is important to keep it running efficiently and prolong its lifespan. These maintenance costs should be factored into the overall cost of owning a Goodman AC unit.

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